
| 实良


I believe many of you have seen the film Forrest Gump. Now, let me share my feelings.

Forrest Gump is an IQ only 75 imbecile, he is very simple, and very trustworthy, never changed his beliefs. He attaches great importance to friendship. During the war between the United States and Vietnam, everyone runs for their lives, but Forrest Gump keeps thinking about his friend Barb. When he again and again to rescue the wounded comrades, he still risked the risk of being blown up to find his best friend Barb. After Babu's death, Forrest Gump fulfilled his promise to start the shrimp industry. 

And what I admire most is Forrest Gump's mother, she never gives up her children. Her two sentences impressed me most. One is: "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." As she said, life is colorful and unknown at the same time, we can only see today, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Whether the present chocolate is bitter or sweet, don't pass up the chance to try the next chocolate. After all, who knows what the next chocolate will taste like?  Another: "Death is just a part of life. It's where we're meant to be." In addition to comforting Forrest Gump, this sentence also tells him some philosophy of life: we are doomed to die from the moment we are born, and no one can escape this evil hand. Then why should we fear death? Let's face it. When someone around us leaves us, we might as well give them a ride quietly, because this is an indispensable part of life, is the final destination of life. 

Forrest Gump is lucky to have such a good mother, let him always believe that he is normal, but also achieved a proud achievement. 


Forrest Gump is a very excellent work directed by American director Robert Zemecki in 1994. It tells the story of Forrest Gump, a child born with mental defects, in a small town in Alabama after the end of World War II. The story begins with a grown man, Forrest Gump, waiting for the bus, has been telling his story to the people next to him, people listen to him like a fool. 

In fact, Forrest Gump is also an ugly duckling turned into a white swan story, he with his own perseverance and belief, constantly win the approval of others, recognition, so that finally become a successful person. 

The most attractive thing about this movie is Forrest Gump's words, which seem like a fool's soliloquy, but contain the philosophy of life. What I remember most is that sentence: "Life is like this box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to taste", a simple sentence, said life. A man is alive for only 36,000 days, and every day is the youngest day of his life. The teacher told us from the classroom, to cherish every day, to make every day full, not wasted. Slowly grow up, shoulder responsibility is more and more, worry about more and more things. Forrest Gump's sentence actually tells us that as long as we live happily every day and live up to our youth, the rest of the day, no one knows what will happen, we can not stop what, just like Chow Xingchi in A Chinese Odyssey, Bian Bao said a sentence "God arranged!" Hey hey, what we have to do is to live the present, whether it is to family, friends, children, with the face of them, with the most kind words to talk to them, give them love, every day to let themselves grow a little, a little progress.  

No matter what happens, it is God's arrangement! 


In the winter vacation, my mother specially let me watch a movie, called "Forrest Gump". 

This movie is very good, mainly about a man named Forrest Gump, his IQ is very low only 75. Others think he is silly, often laugh at him, beat him, bullying him, only he grew up with Jenny is good to him. Although his IQ is not high, but he did a lot of smart people can not do. For example, he developed the skill of long-distance running because he always avoided catching up, and because of this skill, he was admitted to the university, joined the football team, succeeded, won many victories, and received an interview with the president. Then he joined the army and became a hero. When he had gone to war, he wrote to Jennie at night saying that he thought of her all the time, even in his sleep. Forrest Gump is the most like Jenny, even when he went to the river to catch shrimp, the boat name is Jenny. I think Forrest Gump really loves Jenny. He played table tennis and visited China. Finally, he went shrimping with his friends and became a big boss. 

Seeing these, I was very impressed. He is such a stupid man who can do such a good job. It's amazing! Why is that? It turned out that although his IQ is not high, but he no matter what he does will persevere, until done, he does not want to concentrate on other, constantly strive to forge ahead, so he will succeed. Although my IQ is higher than his, but I didn't even do a good job in my study. It seems that my efforts are not enough. I will study earnestly and do some great things like him in the future. If I can do something successful, I'll be great! 


Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. This is Forrest Gump's mother said to Forrest Gump, life is also, you don't know tomorrow or even the next minute life will change, what you can do is to cherish every minute of life now, do everything well. Forrest Gump is such a step by step, do everything well, to have their own life. 

Forrest Gump innate intelligence quotient is only 75, and the mother is, often encourage Forrest Gump, silly people have silly blessing, to him unremitting self-improvement, after Forrest Gump went to school, he met many friends. In one time, he was bullied by other children, Jenny has been telling him to run, Forrest Gump panic, started to run, iron frame also can not bind him, finally he ran like flying. His companions could not catch up with him and could only watch helplessly. This was Forrest Gump's first miracle. With his amazing speed, Forrest made the football team, went on to college and finally graduated. Soon after, he joined the Vietnam War. In Vietnam, Forrest Gump became a hero with "Scud". 

Forrest Gump kept running, only knew that he kept running on the road by intuition. Although there were many difficulties in front of him, Forrest Gump could treat them with an ordinary heart and cross them one by one until he ran past his end. Honest, loyal, trustworthy, serious, brave and attach importance to feelings, to others only understand to pay without return, never mind others refuse, just face life calmly. 

Forrest Gump's life is legendary, he step by step to the future, although in front of poor mountains, bad water, difficulties, he will keep running. Forrest Gump's persistence is many people can not do, is his simple and honest, persistent created his happiness! 


In the afternoon, he went to the snack bar to return the money; On the platform, the teacher said vividly, no tired meaning, spittle stars splashed a ground. Or maybe this place is right and that place is wrong. Every time she reads a novel, she will only stare at the computer, don't want to accompany me; Another reason I like PEONY is that PEONY is the national flower of our country. Is this field yours?

Although he is a weak-minded child, but he has a pure and kind heart, he always remembers what his mother said to him. Mama said life was like chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get. 

Mom said, you have to understand, you are just like the people around you, you are not different from them, no. 

"I just told myself that when I do something, I will try my best to be good at it. For example, I have been your mother all my life, and this is something I can't choose. God gave you to me, my child, and I must try my best to be your mother, and I did. 

Forrest Gump's life was touched by his mother's education. Perhaps Forrest Gump's life began with the first word his mother taught him. Perhaps, such an influence is osmotic, is deeply influenced by it. 

In the film, Forrest Gump is portrayed as the embodiment of virtue, honest, trustworthy, serious, brave and attaches importance to emotion. 

In ordinary people's eyes, Forrest Gump is really stupid, but his life is so pure, his heart of gold, reflecting the most dazzling light of human nature! 

Life is like the air that piece of white feather, or the wind, or blowing in the wind, or flying in space, or falling into the deep, forrest gump's life is so, his wisdom, faith, courage, only together, he abandoned all distractions and intuitively in the road running, ran to the life of his own glory.