
| 实良

After reading Journey to the west, I was deeply impressed by the twists and turns of the plot and the strange experience of Tang monks and apprentices.

Wu Chengen, the author of this book, tells the story of Tang Seng and his three disciples who went through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, conquered demons and demons, and got the Sutra through the difficulty of 9981. It is this strange story. The exquisite writing is deeply loved by people. It has spread to this day and is famous at home and abroad. This book has become one of the four famous works in ancient China.

Journey to the west is written about monsters and plays ethereal. It focuses on fun, such as interest, wild interest and divine interest. Watching journey to the west makes people relaxed and free. For example, it's fun to recruit relatives in real and fake Monkey King, pig Bajie and Gao Laozhuang.

Four distinctive characters are created in journey to the West: Tang monk is a kind ascetic monk who is dedicated to Buddhism. On the way to learn sc riptures from the west, he spared no pains, was not afraid of difficulties and dangers, but was fatuous and stubborn, regardless of right and wrong. Sun Wukong is active, mischievous, skillful, brave and resourceful. Although he was misunderstood by Tang Monk many times, he still insisted on escorting Tang monk to the West. He embodies not only a kind of persistence, a kind of resistance, but also a kind of rebellion. Zhu Bajie is simple and honest, brave in battle and not afraid of demons, but he is greedy for money and lust, greedy for food and sleep, and funny. Tang. Monk Sha is kind-hearted and content with his destiny. These four characters have their own characteristics. Among them, the one I like most is monkey king. He was born with an atmosphere of freedom and a spirit of resistance and struggle. He dares to call himself the saint of heaven; There is the slogan "the emperor will take turns and come to my house next year"; He made a fuss in the heavenly palace and frightened the Jade Emperor; He subdued the demons and subdued the demons; He can change 72 and flip the cloud's superb skills; He has golden eyes and can fight monsters in his stomach; He tried his best to protect Tang Seng on the way to the West. Although he was misunderstood by Tang Seng sometimes, he didn't choose to give up. He was consistent... In short, he was a great hero in my mind.

In addition, it is said in journey to the West that it was difficult for Tang monks and disciples to obtain the Scr iptures in the end. There is no persistence, no fear of difficulties, and no perseverance. For example, if the Tang Monk had not had a firm will, he would have been the king of the state of Xiliang. Where would there be an ending of taking the scr iptures from the west. For another example, at the birth of zhailingyundu, the four teachers and disciples refused to pay bribes and took the wordless Scri pture. Later, they had to give the purple gold bowl to the venerable to obtain the worded Scrip ture. But on the way back, I met the old turtle who connected to the Milky way again. Because Tang Monk forgot to ask the Buddha about the fate of the old turtle, the old turtle was angry and sank into the river, but it wet the Sc riptures... There were many disasters, and the end of the story was success. Isn't it due to the persistence of the four masters and disciples? Think about our study and life, but it's not like this. We are always so fragile. Every difficulty will make us retreat. When watching journey to the west, I can't help feeling ashamed. Monk Tang's teachers and disciples went through hardships on the way to learn scr iptures in the West and didn't give up in the face of many difficulties. When they encounter difficulties and setbacks, they just want to retreat. I asked myself why I couldn't stick to it like them? I think maybe this is what I lack. Reading Journey to the West has made me understand that as long as you can do something from beginning to end, no matter whether it is successful or not, as long as you try your best to do it and stick to it until the end, it is also a success for yourself.

Journey to the west makes me feel different from other famous works. It makes us feel life while being relaxed and happy. We should not only learn from Sun Wukong's shrewdness and bravery, but also learn from their perseverance for their own goals. I hope and believe that journey to the West will bring you inspiration and inner strength.


"Journey to the west" describes the story of the four masters and disciples who experienced the difficulties of September 81, braved with demons and ghosts, and finally obtained the Scri pture. In the book, the roles of Tang Sanzang, Sun Wukong, pig Bajie and sand monk are vivid. The words and behaviors of the four teachers and disciples going to the western regions are vividly on paper.

Tang Sanzang, with the spirit of never giving up, has a firm heart on the road to the West. Like a little snail, imagine climbing up the blue sky. Just for the purpose of universal salvation. Also have compassion. As a Buddhist believer, he is happy to help others and generous to others. As the leader of the journey to the west, he can restrain his disciples. But as a leader, Sanzang is unimaginable fatuous and incompetent. When he misunderstood that Wukong hurt other people's lives, "justice" punished Wukong with a tight hoop curse and expelled Wukong from the sc ripture collection team. When he is in danger, he always calls Wukong first. In "three dozen Baigujing", Monkey King destroyed Baigujing who hurt Sanzang. Sanzang believes that Wukong hurts the innocent. Immediately throw away the fear of the monster. There is only anger at Wukong in my heart. In his works, Wu Gong not only praises Sanzang's firmness and kindness, but also satirizes Sanzang's fatalness and incompetence as a leader. It can be seen that Wu Gong's feelings for this character are complex.

Monkey King, seventy-two, has great powers, and the golden cudgel subdues countless demons. In "havoc in heaven", he has the courage to challenge authority and yearns for freedom. For my favorite character, is amiable lovely, brave and fearless image. In the flower and fruit mountain is not ordinary. To try to change yourself. After years of self-improvement in Sanxing cave, he finally succeeded in changing himself. Wukong is not afraid of difficulties and believes in himself. However, in the early stage of the road of learning, there was no firm heart of Sanzang. Three times he left the Sutra team because of the misunderstanding of Sanzang. However, his feelings for the master remain the same. Wukong once said, "I don't know that I am a teacher one day and a father all my life. Father and son have no hatred of overnight." It can be seen that the feelings towards master can not be broken by several misunderstandings. When Sanzang needs help most, he can always help his master.

Pig Bajie, often make people laugh. Similar to the comic characters in film and television products, the dirty lotus canopy hangs on the mouth, and the ears are like a cattail fan, showing golden eyes. The tusks are as sharp as steel files, and the long mouth is as open as a fire basin. It is Wu Gong's imagination of Bajie. On the way to the Scri ptures, he is often fascinated by the beauty of monsters. When I met with difficulties, I thought of Li branch returning to gaolaozhuang. In "four sages try Zen heart", except for the eight commandments, all the teachers and apprentices are immobile. But Bajie was confused, insisted on staying, and finally punished. In this case, why was he called "the messenger of the clean altar", which is absolutely inseparable from his prodigal son's turning back. It is not only his loyalty to Sanzang, but also the reward of his efforts on the west road.

Monk Sha is honest and steady. After giving up his status as a monster, he always abides by the rules of Buddhism and works hard without complaint. There is no magic power, nor the shortcomings of laziness and incompetence. It is ordinary and has a simple, honest and lovely image. When we only pay attention to Wukong's heroic rescue of the master in water and fire; Eight Precepts make people laugh; If you think of monk Sha, it is a kind of insipid that people can't help but love. He is not only a member of the team of learning classics, but also an indispensable member of journey to the West.

Go and have a look again. Aftertaste the wonderful stories. Go and have a look again and enjoy Wu gongzhi's articles incisively and vividly


See the distance, a smile, I know it's you. Run to you, throw into your arms, and always accompany me in my warm arms—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

During the holiday, I came across journey to the West and published the familiar plot of that chapter. Scenes of warm pictures went deep into my mind: four teachers and disciples walked together to learn from the West. Wukong, Wujing and Wuneng protected the master all the way and never left. Although the road is difficult and bumpy, but also not without laughter. Have you ever wondered why the three of them are willing to accompany Tang Monk all the way. And "journey to the west" in Wu Chengen's pen, everything seems so bumpy. They showed their abilities and stayed with him all the time. Think of here, tears, inadvertently diffuse in the eyes.

In the harsh summer, you always like to sit under the tree and enjoy the cool. I can't bear the heat of summer. I don't know where to vent my anger. You always face yourself with a shallow smile. Somehow, the heart, inexplicably quiet down. Anger, abate. You will take my tender little hand with your big hand and enjoy the cool together. Gently hold up the Pu fan and slowly fan me. Bursts of cool wind will want to blow by yourself. Where are you going to sleep in the cold

After school, I am always searching for you in the stream of people, a shallow smile in that moment, a guess is you. Show a knowing smile and speed up to you. But he will fall hard and tears will flow out of his eyes. You will take a shallow smile calmly to their own. Gently picked me up, patted the dust on my body, reached out to dry the tears on my face and said, good, it's all right, don't cry. I stare at your shallow smile, I can't help laughing. You always laugh and scold me, fool. Although it was scolding his words, his heart was slowly warm and happy.

Like your shallow smile, like the warmth lying on your back, like you holding a PU fan for me to urge me to sleep. Lie on your back, you carry me behind your back, a little satisfaction in your heart. I love to play with your hair, suddenly found that there are a few silver between the hair, then exclaimed: "grandma, you have white hair!" You smiled and replied, "people are always old. How can they not have white hair when they are old." I look at you stupidly, but I don't know how to answer you.

With the increase of age, the amount of homework will gradually increase, and every day he will be buried in the sea of books. Irritable, full of heart branches. You always appear in my side, with a shallow smile, to accompany me. Suddenly, the heart, quiet. After entering junior high school, I stayed in school. There are only two days a week at home. In school, when irritable, always want to see your shallow smile, think of your shallow smile, very comfortable. When I get home, I want to open the door and see your shallow smile. That shallow smile is not enough.

I thank you for your shallow smile, which has been with me, with my happy time, with my childish childhood, and with me up to now. I thank you, my grandmother. Yeah! People always want to be old, but the only constant is that shallow smile, has been with me so far. Smile is your sign. You grow up with me. With that shallow smile, you tell us to be positive and optimistic, face life and face life's setbacks bravely.

So far, the shallow smile still accompanies me, just like the four teachers and disciples, inseparable, close the book and smile. That shallow smile seems to be a part of your life, and now it seems particularly warm


Journey to the west is one of the four famous works in China. I am proud of journey to the West and my motherland. In the works of Wu Chengen, a novelist in the Ming Dynasty, every character is so lifelike that I can't get tired of seeing it.

Every time I finish reading the journey to the west, the four teachers and disciples of Tang monk have different positions in my mind. I like three lovely disciples, but I only hate the serious Tang monk.

Sun Wukong has great powers. Seventy-two changes are magical and omnipotent. His loyalty to the master and his responsibility to the younger martial brother can be learned from the sun and the moon. He is naughty, stubborn and irritable, but the combination of these advantages and disadvantages makes him a unique and beloved Monkey King. He is persistent, brave, strong, self-confident, tolerant and kind... Monkey King, you are worthy of being the "saint of Qi Tian" with the sky and the hero in my heart!

Pig Bajie is lazy, greedy, and silly, but he is very kind and cute. Many people said he was useless, but he also made great contributions on the way to learn scri ptures. He doesn't have the great powers of the monkey king and the diligence and honesty of monk Sha, but he has his own carefree. This happy pure heart makes him lovely and I like it!

Monk Sha has no shortcomings of Monkey King and no advantages of pig Bajie, but he is my favorite character. He is honest and loyal. He respects his master and senior brother. When a monster comes, he is always duty bound. How can this courage not be loved? No matter when, he always gives his strength silently, and the heaviest and hardest work is always borne by him. Why is this spirit of selfless dedication not worth learning from? How can such a hard-working person not be loved by me?

Tang sanggui is the master of three good disciples. Naturally, he is different and commendable. Kindness and compassion are his heart, but I hate him. He embarked on the road of learning sc riptures with the arduous task of popularizing all living beings. But because of his so-called kindness, he believed in anyone and escaped death many times. Monkey king tried his best to save him, but he didn't distinguish between right and wrong, reversed black and white, listened to Zhu Bajie's provocation, and expelled monkey king from the school many times. How can I like such a person who doesn't know right and wrong? He recites sc riptures and Buddha solemnly, but he can't even see through the most basic people. What qualifications does he have to talk about universal living beings? I hate him.

Wu Chengen is really a smart man. With his painstaking efforts, he compiled journey to the west, a great book that makes people admire. Journey to the West has proved to the world that China is strong and that the Chinese people are wise. This classic has added luster to China.

I like journey to the West and you, my motherland. I am proud that I am Chinese. I want to shout to the blue sky of my motherland: I love my motherland!


I first came into contact with the Chinese classics journey to the west through the interpretation of TV, and each picture shocked me greatly.

Journey to the West shows people a colorful world of gods and demons. People are amazed at the author's rich and bold artistic imagination. However, any literary work is a reflection of certain social life, and journey to the west, as an outstanding representative of God and devil novels, is no exception. Through the illusory magic world in journey to the west, we can see the projection of real society everywhere. The author's attitude towards the rulers of feudal society can also be pondered. In journey to the west, it is impossible to find a competent emperor.

One hundred thousand soldiers and generals under the Jade Emperor can't beat sun monkey's golden cudgel, and it goes without saying that the real sages are dim and weak in their rule. Buddhism created by the Buddha Tathagata, monks can't be fascinated by money, but the Buddha acquiesced in his subordinates to accept other people's favor. In journey to the west, demons and ghosts are mostly related to the gods and Buddhas, such as the green bull spirit is the mount of the Supreme Lord, the king of gold and silver horn is the child of the Supreme Lord, and the three demon kings of shituoling are related to Manjusri, Puxian Bodhisattva and even the Buddha Tathagata, This reflects the dark scene of officials protecting each other in feudal society《 Journey to the west not only has profound ideological content, but also has made high achievements in art.

It has built a unique artistic palace of journey to the West with rich and strange artistic imagination, vivid and tortuous plot, lifelike characters and humorous language《 The artistic achievement of journey to the west is the successful creation of two immortal artistic images: Monkey King and pig Bajie. Monkey King is the first hero in journey to the West. He is a great hero.

He has infinite abilities, is not afraid of heaven and earth, and has an unyielding spirit of resistance. The extraordinary demeanor of a great hero, who has feelings and righteousness for the master and younger martial brothers, also has the disadvantage of listening to compliments. He is witty, brave, witty and noisy. It is for human nature. He has a hairy face and a Leigong mouth. The mountain king is monkey, while 72 changes. A heel of eighteen thousand miles is divine. And his characteristic is to dare to fight. When he dared to fight with the supreme Jade Emperor, Leng called for the reputation of "Qi Tian Da Sheng"; If you dare to fight with demons, you will never let go of a demon. Ruyi will never show mercy to demons under the golden cudgel; Dare to fight against all difficulties, never retreat and bow your head.